this website in french Métakisbulls : the passion of English bulldog. Ce site en anglais

Diamond from bullshappiness (Listed 4/6)


I'm Diamond From Bullshappiness but I was nicknamed Chouchen at the city. I was born on April 19, 2007 at Oude Pekela in the Netherlands. I left auntie Annika Kregel and Uncle Daniel Steenhuis, my parents, my siblings and the cosy comfort of bullshappiness to land in the north of Bordeaux. From a charming dutch provincial town I became suburbanite. Tata Aby, Patricia, Corinne, my best friend Hihibulls Cute Chubby Charlie, my masters helped me to pass this difficult period.

After some hesitation, I tamed my masters using my charm to try to do what I want. This is not win : They forbid me to chew away on shoes, furniture, climbing on chairs, sleeping to the room and climb onto the bed ... They are not funny but I know how to soften them. I know a special dance. I wriggle my beautiful little chubby body and oops ... I try to mount on their knees. It's not easy because I confess I am not very flexible. They cuddle me, and they indulge me every whims.

I made my first exposure to Courtai in Belgium in puppy class and I finished second. My master is proud of me and I take this opportunity to demand, with stubbornness, more caresses I adore.